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The Manny's Krita Basics Book will be available for purchase by anyone; including but not limited to, students at Manny's Krita Basics Course.

    A Manny's Krita Basics Book is now being created. It will be filled with easy-to-understand graphics and explanations.

    It is designed to enable the reader to start and complete Krita paintings. The book guides the reader through the entire workflow, from downloading the Krita software, to setting up the devices used, creating and painting on Krita canvas, up to saving/exporting the efinished painting. The reader does all this using the easier basic functions and tools of Krita, whilst being shielded from the more difficult and complex features and tools. (Note: The latter will be covered in the Manny's Krita Advanced Book.)

Manny's Krita Basics Book

Note: Books that cover Krita advanced features and techniques are also planned.

          They will be created after the Krita Basics book is completed.

Become an "instant" teacher, without having to spend efforts to create the course materials.

Manny's Krita Basics Book

sample pages

To be inserted.

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