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Advantages of Krita:

Totally Free:

     The main advantage of Krita is that it is totally FREE, and yet its features, functions and operability are comparable to Photoshop. (Note: Photoshop can cost hundreds of dollars depending on the version).


No materials costs:

     Everything is done on the computer, thus there is no need to buy canvas, paper, brushes, pencils and so forth; which can be quite expensive.


Clean, No-space, Portable:

     No more smelly and messy oil turps. No more cleaning of brushes, no more knife rusting, and so forth.

     Everything reside in the PC’s memory or on USB or hard disk. So you can make thousands of paintings without ever running out of room.

     No need to carry bulky easels, cases, etc. You can paint anywhere where you can use your PC.


 Quick and limitless composing/drawing

     In traditional medium painting composing and actually painting drafts is time consuming and expensive. With Krita, you can compose multiple drafts (of varying or progressive levels) easily and quickly. You can create as many drafts as you like without spending. Making variations (of color, size, etc) can be done by a stroke of the pen or just by clicking a key. For example, painting an underlay colour on an entire canvas which can take an hour when using oil, can be done in a few seconds.


Virtually limitless number of brushes and colors

     Krita comes with (already pre-loaded) more than a hundred brushes and thousands of colors. You can dynamically vary brush characteristics such as opacity, splatter, brush direction, brush tip, etc. You can then store this version of the brush so that it becomes your own personal brush. You can also download numerous brushes created by other persons.


Convenient and powerful productivity tools

     Krita is packed with powerful tools that enable speedy creation, and easy editing of the work in progress. The following are some examples.

  • Layer : You can paint in layers --- modify, hide, lock individual layers ---  rearrange, group multiple layers --- combine layers in different ways (e.g., add, subtract, multiple the colours).

  • Mirroring: One key click flips the entire canvas left-right and vice versa, to enable easy painting with just one hand.

  • Selection: An entire layer or multiple parts within a layer can be surrounded and selected. You can move/transform the selected part. You can limit your painting to just within the selected part.

  • Instant erase, undo and redo: You can keep on redoing the entire painting or parts of it endless times.

  • Bucket, Gradient: Large areas can be instantly filled with one uniform colour or a gradient of one or more colours.

  • Filters, Masks: The selected part can be subjected to different filters (e.g., dodge, burn) to create special effects. It can also be used to “mask” parts of the layer(s) below.

  • Grids: You can show various types of grids (rectangle, perspective, etc).

  • Vector drawing: In addition to raster contents, you can write or draw various vector components (letters, calligraphy, etc) which can be individually modified later.

  • If you run out of canvas space, you can increase the canvas size anytime (horizontally and/or vertically). Vice versa, you can also reduce the size anytime.

  • You can copy, cut, paste any part of your panting. (Note: The part is actually pasted into a new layer, where you can manipulate it as you like, e.g., move, transform, filter, repaint, etc.)

Or, By texting or calling:



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Krita was developed from the outset for creating digital paintings from scratch. (Note: Unlike other software initially developed for editing existing photos.). It is completely FREE. It is relatively easy to use (once the user understands the fundamentals). It has a rich array of brush types and settings, color palettes, color mixing modes; and is packed with painting tools and workflow assistants. Many people are switching to Krita. The official website of Krita is (Note: A discussion of the advantages of using Krita is given below.)


From Krita.Org

Manny created these courses to share his knowledge of Krita.

     The courses are the result of many months of research, studying and experimenting Krita. They allow the student to avoid spending many many hours trying to:

  • grasp the fundamentals of using Krita,

  • and "discovering" various useful functions, tools and techniques

    • (that enhance creativity and speed up the workflow).

About the author

Manny Cerilles is a "hobbyist" oil and digital painter. He has numerous works. He resides in Upper North Sydney Australia.

     At the beginning of 2015 Manny discovered Krita, and got "hooked" by it. Since then he has been actively studying and using it.

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